7 Ways to Make Your Life Easier Right Now

Erica Jo Cummings
4 min readJan 13, 2023

The question that I’ve been exploring lately is how can it be easy? It meaning anything really. Life, work, life-work balance, parenting, all of it.

I know I’m not alone in my tendency to overthink things and feel overwhelmed by every little battle that I’m fighting. But it doesn’t always have to be a battle. We can start to put down the sword and take a moment to be on our own sides and make life easier for ourselves.

1. LEAN into the things that FEEL easy and fun

One thing I heard recently was that we are not exhausted and drained because we’re doing too much, but it’s because we’re doing too little of the things that fuel us, energize us, fulfill us, and bring us joy for its own sake.

If you’re not planning fun and happiness in your life, don’t be surprised when it’s not showing up there. A few ways to do this are…

Seek out laughter. Listen to a comedy podcast or stand-up show, watch a funny sitcom, or share silly memes that make you laugh out loud.
Stop & smell the roses. Take time to indulge and engage in SAVORING moments of peace, ease, calmness, and love.
Play more. Sports, card games, video games, play with your dog, play with your kids, go to an escape room, play with Legos, whatever it is, small or big, do more things that are fun, playful, and for the sheer joy of it.

2. Let things go that are weighing you down

All the extra bullshit. Things that are not yours to carry.
Things that won’t even matter in a year or even a month.
Know what is yours to carry. And let the rest go.

Even family and friends, the ones closest to you, will project their own fears, insecurities, values, morals, ideas, all of the things, onto you. And unconsciously make you feel less than, not good enough, like you’re behind, like you messed up, like you’re not doing enough, like you’re doing too much, like you’re broken, like you need to be fixed, and the list goes on.

Know what is a priority to you.
Be discerning on what actually deserves your time and energy.

It’s not always easy, but start by taking small steps in self-reflection on what and who fuels you, and what drains or depletes you. What and who makes you feel more yourself, or like a better version of yourself, and what feels disingenuous, forced, or just bad energy.

3. Take breaks

No being on the planet is designed to be in go-mode 24/7. Just like a grizzly bear hibernating during the winter, human beings have cycles and seasons. It can be so easy to feel guilty for resting.

But rest is not a reward. It’s not a treat that you get after doing all the things.
It’s necessary for you to be at your best, instead of tired, burned out, and running yourself ragged. Research shows that taking breaks helps lower mental fatigue and promotes better brain function.

• Take a nap
• Disconnect from social media
• Go for a walk
• Meditate
• Draw or paint
• Do yoga
• Journal
• Listen to calming music
• Take a relaxing bath

More often than not, self-care isn’t a full-body massage or fancy spa day, but just having a small moment with yourself, for yourself.

4. Take small steps

Change can be hard for a lot of us, especially in the beginning. But most big changes don’t happen overnight. Have patience with yourself and your journey, because starting to make small changes consistently will build your self-confidence, motivation, and give you momentum. It get so much easier the more you see yourself, showing up for yourself, day after day, week after week.

5. Take care of yourself

Eat healthy foods. Move your body. Drink plenty of water. Get enough sleep. Take care of these few simple things, and it will have a more powerful ripple effect than you fathom.

And remember the previous tip of taking small steps: you don’t have to become a vegan or go on a strict diet today to start eating healthier. Maybe start with a few more fruits and veggies or a little less fast/fried food. You don’t have to join a fancy gym and work out for hours to get in shape. Maybe start by taking a walk every other day or doing a no-equipment at home workout from YouTube.

Start small, and build on those habits. Your consistency in showing up for yourself every day is far more important than your speed.

6. Be okay with ASKING for help

We tend to assume that people don’t want to help or like we might be perceived as “weak” or as a burden. However, most people feel good when they help others and show generosity.

Knowing your own limitations can help you to decide when you really do need to ask for assistance. Be clear about what you need, and try to choose the best person (and best time) for the situation or request. And receive any and all help with gratitude.

7. Understand what life is

It is ups and downs. No one you meet will have a perfect stress-free life, one without problems, issues, battles, and conflict. NO ONE. It is the human experience. The happiest people typically understand this, and aren’t so easily thrown by life’s twists and turns. They ride the wave, versus trying to swim against it.

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. — Lao Tzu



Erica Jo Cummings

Writer. Psychology Major. I explore questions about self development, self improvement, and self mastery.